Phone: 716-471-8052
Complete lawn renovation, September 18,2103 start and October 11, 2013 , what a difference Plugnalawn can make to your lawn.
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Over seeding problems do occur:

There is always a risk in over seeding. Heavy rains may wash away seed, improper watering will not let the seed germinate. It is up to the home owner to make sure newly seeded lawns are properly watered . Plugnalawn can not be responsible for ;Mother natures heavy rains or incorrect watering by the homeowner.
Another complete lawn renovation by Plugnalawn. Started May 7, 2013, removed most of the existing grass, aerated, slit the soil, over seeded, applied starter fertilizer. Lawn was watered properly and fertilizer applied 4 weeks later. Call Plugnalawn today for your FREE estimate
Photo dated 10-07-2016
Removed existing lawn 10-11-2016
Photo dated 11-2-2016 21 days after work was completed!